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Category: quantumcomputing


Wed Oct 7 19:27:10 2020 <6a21e19d> The Wolfram Physics Project: Finding the Fundamental Theory of Physics <> Good stuff her — The Wolfram Physics Project: Finding the Fundamental Theory of Physics — Stephen Wolfram leads a new approach to discover the fundamental theory of physics. Follow project development as it is livestreamed.


Wed Oct 7 16:57:30 2020 <8f79fcda> one of the first docs on qbits Quantum-Bits-111403.pdf <8f79fcda> <@U014EH1SZKL> recognize this?


Wed Oct 7 16:42:31 2020 <9e126bf3> There’s this company in ATX that has a whole API and environment for quantum experiments and development, seems like pretty cutting edge stuff <> — Strangeworks — Humanizing Quantum <9e126bf3> +public!

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