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Category: random


Fri Jan 17 19:50:24 2020 <9e126bf3> proper smartphone <> — The PinePhone starts shipping—a Linux-powered smartphone for $150 — For now it’s for developers only, and you’ll need to flash your own OS.


Fri Jan 17 01:44:05 2020 <75f07d61> Really enjoying this book! Amazing ride on the short comings of our justice system. Biggest take away – white collar crime rewards. If you’re poor, you’re screwed. The Divide: American Injustice in the Age of the Wealth Gap <|>


Thu Jan 16 16:26:59 2020 <5547a085> I flittled back and forth between ME and EE, its all the same after a bit: another way to apply Diff. Eq. <5547a085> But … I shouls have done civil all along <5547a085> CEs ended up having the chillest, most independent lifestyles outside of the corporate industry, because theres […]


Thu Jan 16 16:04:03 2020 <5547a085> “Project Charm”, Amazon built a large facility in Pfluegerville through a shell company


Thu Jan 16 14:51:32 2020 <75f07d61> Were you a mechanical eng?


Wed Jan 15 18:10:07 2020 <9e126bf3> <> — MONIAC — The MONIAC (Monetary National Income Analogue Computer) also known as the Phillips Hydraulic Computer and the Financephalograph, was created in 1949 by the New Zealand economist Bill Phillips (William Phillips) to model the national economic processes of the United Kingdom, while Phillips was a student […]


Wed Jan 15 17:38:55 2020 <5547a085> Right <5547a085> Just a small breeze and the alts will blurry <8f79fcda> BSV def lead this surge <5547a085> I almost want to study fluid dynamics again to rejiggee the notion that capital flows through resistance layers to wherever there is vacuum


Wed Jan 15 15:42:21 2020 <502edbb8> Meh. As good an explanation as any I suppose <8f79fcda> Yeah lol at the end of the day, btc is the settlement layer of all these pet projects <8f79fcda> Ethereum was made to be like bitcoin, but people use it to trade for bitcoin


Tue Jan 14 21:59:15 2020 <403e98f2> Naw <403e98f2> He’s a stop and D is a skinny long haired white dude


Tue Jan 14 21:45:43 2020 <502edbb8> <|> <502edbb8> Stop and decrypt is Greg maxwell (maybe)


Tue Jan 14 18:28:33 2020 <9e126bf3> lol sweet


Tue Jan 14 18:17:36 2020 <5547a085> <|> — — “` # gter : a terminal for GUI apps (WIP) gter is actually a window manager based on [basic_wm](<>) ![gter](gter.gif) # requirement * X11 * Xephyr * xterm * bash # compile and run “` git clone <> cd gter bash gter.cpp “` “`


Tue Jan 14 17:05:45 2020 <5547a085> * contempt intensifies * <5547a085> <|>


Tue Jan 14 15:47:48 2020 <9e126bf3> :face_vomiting:


Tue Jan 14 15:33:22 2020 <d3f496ca> Good to have confirmation of what we’ve all suspected <d3f496ca> If you can’t compromise one layer, compromise another


Tue Jan 14 15:24:41 2020 <502edbb8>


Mon Jan 13 08:19:56 2020 <5547a085> <|> — ‘I have a chance now to have a life’: Navy vet who won watershed student loan ruling tells his story — On January 7, 2020, a New York judge ruled that Kevin Rosenberg could discharge $221,385 in student loans that he was holding as of November 2019. 


Mon Jan 13 04:28:50 2020 <8f79fcda> Okay QAnon – we get it – you lift :joy:


Mon Jan 13 04:11:30 2020 <d666283b> <|> — US Energy Dept ‘lays foundation for quantum internet’, funds $625M to establish quantum research centers over 5 years — Today the US Department of Energy announces that it is laying the foundation for a quantum internet, and it will be funding $625 million over five years to […]


Sat Jan 11 06:13:40 2020 <8f79fcda> If you think that planet alignment doesn’t affect us… not sure what to tell you <8f79fcda> That being said, assigning fantastical stories of emotional nonsense to these things is dim witted <8f79fcda> But people are going to believe what they want to believe

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