atx crypto club

Category: random


<d3f496ca> 37th st and guad has a neighborhood that takes Christmas lights very seriously. Took this pic there. It’s going on every night, 6-10pm, until new years days. Check it out yall, better than trail of lights


<502edbb8> <502edbb8> &lt;;


<502edbb8> &lt;;


<502edbb8> Holy Fuck. <502edbb8> Poster for the Restored Re-Release of 1985’s ‘Come And See’ <502edbb8> So when I was in college I was dead broke. I mean, dead broke. Couldn’t afford food broke. The one thing I could afford to do though was to pirate movies. I must have watched 800 movies. <502edbb8> There was […]


<09ed3757> Hahaha <09ed3757> Papa muskrat is on the ball


<502edbb8> Don’t listen to me though, listen to Mr. Musk <502edbb8>


<502edbb8> I liked the john mulaney flick. Good easy watchin, spark one up and kick back. Turn your brain mostly off <502edbb8> Parasite, but you gotta download it


<09ed3757> You ever seen dexter? <09ed3757> &lt;@UM0TYPAQ5&gt; <403e98f2> Ya solid. <403e98f2> I’m like Dexter but no tools or boat <09ed3757> I liked &#8220;person of interest&#8221;


<403e98f2> Is it good? <403e98f2> Also y&#8217;all got. Any movie recommendations? Or tv show


<502edbb8> &lt;; &amp;lt;— fun, easy watching. Unique <502edbb8> (netflix)


<75f07d61> Merry Christmas, y’all!


<5547a085> &lt;|;


<5547a085> Dave Collum’s year in review: &lt;|;


<403e98f2> <9e126bf3> lol


<502edbb8> Been a long time comin. I 100% support a channel for teh cyberz


<5547a085> I want to train under that man <5547a085> Archery is very fun


<403e98f2> // we should prob add a cybersecurity channel!? // Exposed Data Shows Where Police Departments Fly Their Drones | Auxetic &lt;;


<09ed3757> This is awesome

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