atx crypto club



Anon Ymous

Thu Jun 10 23:21:44 2021
(*67e9b79f*):: This Chan vindicated again +public!

(*af176f96*):: so we had a meetup planned with some older buddies of mine. one of them sold their house recently. the realtor said he just got back from vegas and had pos test for CV. The oldeset guys, which both have the vax backed out and said no way. one of them is flying to europe for a big vacay this month and was like naw io cant do that. too risky. im like you are about to get on a plane and be around so many people. plus you have the vax so you should be good right? Nope. So the brainwashing is so strong that even with the vax and all that jazz. ppl still scared to go out. what the point of the vax than??

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