atx crypto club



Anon Ymous

Mon Jun 28 13:35:12 2021

(*67e9b79f*):: +public!

(*58f1b71c*):: Its so obvious, yet people still eat it up and obey like submissive lemmings. Makes you wonder why they wasted so much money on marketing the vax. The awake are not going back to sleep.
(*67e9b79f*):: From personal experience, it’s that the people find righteousness in their submission to the state. They wear it as a badge of courage and enjoy the opportunity to shame you if you do not agree with them lockstep
(*67e9b79f*):: Masks compliance helps them feel like they are in control
(*67e9b79f*):: And that’s what they need more than anything
(*67e9b79f*):: To be reassured that they are right and everyone else is wrong
(*67e9b79f*):: Moral superiority, intellectual superiority
(*67e9b79f*):: Most of this comes from deep seeded imposter syndrome
(*67e9b79f*):: Deeply flawed bullies
(*67e9b79f*):: Deeply insecure bullies
(*58f1b71c*):: Ah, so the marketing is not for penetrating the awake market. Its for retention of the asleep.
(*58f1b71c*):: If thats true, I guess thats a good sign.
(*67e9b79f*):: I personally like to point out little things and let people go from there
(*67e9b79f*):: “Why don’t they have disclaimers on covaxx commercials like they do for the 100’s of other drugs they’re pumping”
(*67e9b79f*):: “Why is their no disclaimer that the vaxx is not technically FDA approved?”
(*67e9b79f*):: Or “why don’t you get the vaxx? Well I’ve heard there are fertility issues”
(*67e9b79f*):: “That’s weird”
(*67e9b79f*):: And then, people who have been vaxxed via coercion (ie my sister saying she won’t see my parents unless they’re vaxxed b/c grandkids) now my parents are asking me when I’m getting mine to reassure them that they are also in the right
(*67e9b79f*):: They need comfort
(*67e9b79f*):: Meanwhile I’m here feeling like I didn’t try hard enough to tell not to, while simultaneously feeling like my sister, bil, and parents are all going to die in the next few years so I’m mentally preparing to have to fight for custody because their godparents (or at least one of them) is a godless communist

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