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Anon Ymous

Fri May 8 22:47:51 2020
<9e126bf3> If they can’t even model what is happening with any degree of rigor, especially when looking back at the data and how the models were adjusted to try to conform to reality as time went on, then it is pure flat earth level pseudoscience. They are totally guessing while pretending to be authoritative. What is worse is that it is pseudoscience used to justify policy. It is criminal. This is also exactly what happens with economic policy and central banking. Same scam and criminality- fake science to hide policy rooted in purely political agendas as merely the byproduct of professionally applied science. So it is “agenda free” therefore sacrosanct and indisputable by anyone “serious”. And yes you actually do need computer models to see and understand Wuhan and north Italy to make sure the data reported matches the expectations of science, otherwise the science is wrong (or the data is wrong) and needs to immediately take into account this new information. And people like us need computer models to be empowered to verify things for ourselves. Instead all this is hidden and obscured and in fact people are simply discouraged from investigating themselves unless they are part of some approved institution

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