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Anon Ymous

Wed Aug 19 22:42:45 2020
<853f0f69> “The Rockefeller Foundation exists to meet moments like this”
<853f0f69> no return to normalcy until you’re vaccinated … no return to normalcy until you’re vaccinated … no return to normalcy until you’re vaccinated.

“instead of ricocheting between an unsustainable shutdown and a dangerous, uncertain return to normalcy, the United States must mount a sustainable strategy with better tests and contact tracing, and stay the course for as long as it takes to develop a vaccine or cure.”
<853f0f69> The 2020 Rockefeller Foundation Paper advocates a military force (a corps, which is etymologically similar to corpse or a dead body) to administer “health”:

“The plan also includes: launching a Covid Community Healthcare Corps so every American can easily get tested with privacy-centric contact tracing; a testing data commons and digital platform to track Covid-19 statuses, resources, and effective treatment protocols across states and be a clearinghouse for data on new technologies … at least 100,000 people and perhaps as many as 300,000 must be hired to undertake a vigorous campaign of test administration and contact tracing.”
<853f0f69> “army of tracers” (Cuomo’s words)
AmeriCorps (founded by Clinton)


<853f0f69> <@U036M05JL> California lab rats. <#CPR15R8HG|california>
<853f0f69> Look in family units and find the sick and remove and isolate. <|>
— W.H.O. Official: We may have to start removing people from their homes

<853f0f69> Transcript:

“We are beginning a program today, and it’s a pilot program which will certainly grow into something larger and larger, and that is a community contact tracing program. We’ve done contact tracing all along. A contact is a person who has been exposed to someone who we’ve documented to have the COVID infection. When we find someone who has the COVID infection, those people are immediately isolated but we also work with them to figure out who their contacts were. Luckily because you have been doing such a great job of cooperating and staying indoors, staying isolated, it used to be there were 10 contacts at least for every patient we would find, now it looks like now there are only 2 or 3 or 4 contacts, not surprisingly, because most people have been staying away from others. And that’s good news. But the purpose of this program is to bring on people – we’re going to start with 10 people and we may bring on up to 50 people or even more as the program grows, and as we see the need for it. As we do more testing, we will find even more people who have COVID-19, and again we will isolate every one of them, and we will find every one of their contacts, and we will make sure they stay quarantined, and we will check in with them every day. In other words, what this program means is that we’re going to do a more complete job and we’re going to do a more meticulous job, of making it less and less possible for others in the county to run into someone with COVID-19 infection. There are … it’s not just our county that’s bringing more people on.

There are going to be thousands of people hired who will be these contact investigators throughout the state, and this is occurring in many many other states as well, perhaps all the states in our country. We will be giving **intensive training to these people, training not only for identifying and finding contacts, but also in terms of how to be sensitive about doing it**. We also realize that as we find more contacts, some of the people we find are going to have trouble being isolated. For instance, if they live in a home where there’s only 1 bathroom, and there are 3 or 4 other people living there, and those people don’t have COVID infection, we’re not going to be able to keep the person in that home … we’ll be moving people like this into other kinds of housing that we have available.”
<853f0f69> ‘‘Undertaking National
3 Initiatives to Tackle Epidemic Act of 2020” or the
4 ‘‘UNITE Act of 2020”.

To mobilize individuals in the United States in the fight against coronavirus
by expanding volunteer opportunities in AmeriCorps, expanding employment opportunities at the Federal Emergency Management Agency, and
utilizing the expertise of Peace Corps volunteer leaders whose service
ended on March 15, 2020, and for other purposes.

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