atx crypto club



Anon Ymous

Wed Jun 10 16:19:57 2020
<9e126bf3> man i’ve been sitting on the sidelines for weeks now waiting for a proper crypto move and all sorts of MFers are just making bank on total trash… I can’t believe the Fed actually turned the coronaswan crash around into a new dot com level bull market bubble within a month… fucking insanity
<9e126bf3> I mean, $TSLA is now trading above $1000… what the fuck?
<9e126bf3> car company with no revenue as a higher market cap than Ford? I mean come on with the clown markets
<9e126bf3> if fundamentals ever come back, people will think the world is ending. All these clowns will lose their entire stack. But can the Fed keep floating clownworld forever? Maybe they can…

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