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Anon Ymous

Sat Apr 18 01:15:08 2020
<9e126bf3> Gates is a psychopath that has, on record, said that we must be in lockdown until there is a vaccine for this virus. We can never have gatherings, no protests, etc until there is a vaccine. There will never be a vaccine for this virus. At least not in any reasonable timeframe given what is already known about it. He’s not developing vaccines, he is developing a lever for global totalitarianism. It
<9e126bf3> He is a total plutocrat and has a plutocrat family. Surely compromised by Epstein as well. People treat the man like a head of state and bow to him. It is just so incredibly sketchy
<9e126bf3> Where’s the HIV vaxx? What they are talking about with Covid… HIV/AIDS killed so many people that it’s surprising governments didn’t impose a license to have sex. But now we must accept global totalitarianism or else they say we die. It’s incredible. Control the banks and you control countries. Control global health and you control the banks.

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