Sat Dec 23 03:57:18 2023
The time in Austin, TX is 2023-12-22 08:10:55.179190038 -0600 CST
Sunrise: 07:23:45, Sunset: 17:35:08, daytime duration 10h11m23s, the Sun is up
Tomorrow will be 2023-12-23
Sunrise: 07:24:13, Sunset: 17:35:38, daytime duration 10h11m25s
Today will be the minimum daytime duration of the year in Austin at 10h11m23s, will start increasing tomorrow
(*7f971682*):: +public!
(*7f971682*):: Watch the show “into the night” on Netflix. It’s where the sun kills people. So today was the best day for people in that world.