atx crypto club



Anon Ymous

Sat May 23 23:21:22 2020
<773ab1f1> Heyyyyyyyy
<773ab1f1> Guys, yoyo is my good friend from around the way.
<773ab1f1> yoyo: the action happens in <#C0383ED5Q|daytradechatter> <#C0367RYHK|general> <#C0367RYHM|random> <#C5ATH1V08|pol> <#C0374QA1Q|good_content> <#CU6NDRKAA|machinelearning> <#CRV9VQP7E|cybersecurity> and <#C039J7CJS|meetings> (if you are ever in dallas or austin and wana come hang, thats were we organize).
<773ab1f1> You are free to wander as you wish, don’t take anything in here too seriously.
<773ab1f1> Oh and #memes duh

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