atx crypto club



Anon Ymous

Fri Jul 19 14:59:13 2024
(*b4c3b42a*):: ‘Tards leading the ‘tards
(*097dfbf6*):: my work laptop is bricked lmaooo
(*b4c3b42a*):: Lol ba dum tsssshhhh
(*b4c3b42a*):: Such a fine paperweight!
(*b4c3b42a*):: It’s actually working in the company I work for’s favor, the biggest competitor was using crowdstrike and they’re totally hose
(*b4c3b42a*):: This is like a mass genetic selection/extinction event for businesses
(*b4c3b42a*):: DEI working it’s magical properties
(*4e3d9761*):: So crowdstrike pushed a null .sys file?
*** christian_taillon (@christian_tail) on X
*** @CroodSolutions @SamunoskeX @MalwareJake @UK_Daniel_Card @SwiftOnSecurity You’re correct.

Full of zeros at least.
*** X (formerly Twitter)
default icon GS2vJgsbUAAjnOj.pnglarge
(*4e3d9761*):: Does crowdstrike do patch management?
(*b4c3b42a*):: I think they do a little over everything; I’d be nervous a similar event couldn’t happen for say sentinelone or other similar competitors
(*b4c3b42a*):: And then exponentially so when that 3rd party has embraced DEI
(*b4c3b42a*):: So basically it’s metaphysical cancer metasticizing right into the organs of civilization in real time …Just like we’ve pointed out countless times
(*b4c3b42a*):: Just have to dig a big pit, cut out all the tumors and push dirt onto the screaming legions of hell creatures that wrought it and be done with it. Jeez, when will the will to do so finally manifest … probably not in our lifetime at this rate. My paper notebook and pen can’t get a BSOD tho.
(*b4c3b42a*):: +public!
*** The REAL Reason Behind J.D. Vance’s VP Pick – Whitney Webb & Mark Goodwin TFTC Ep. 524

*** YouTube

(*a3a26d18*):: I love Chris Rock, Eddie Murphy, Richard Pryor, all in the top tier of comedians, but I gotta give Tosh #1
*** Three Cheese – Web Redemption – Tosh.0

*** YouTube

(*4cfb807c*):: Ya props to Tosh, he really stood up his own mainstream situation, i def have lol’d at his stuff many times
(*b4c3b42a*):: the 65890 sell wall is intense
(*3880f492*):: File from [mattermost] atxcf – @Vice President Kamala Harris

(*b4c3b42a*):: brb emptying portfolio to go all in on BTC now
(*b4c3b42a*):: If this happens, we could be looking at BTC 10x’ing by the end of Trump’s second term, think north of $600k each
(*4cfb807c*):: buy da rumah sell da newz
(*4297a328*):: It’s gonna 10x after the erection
(*b4c3b42a*):: ‘Tards leading the ‘tards
(*54b3f3ac*):: My first wife was tarded. She’s a pilot now.
(*b4c3b42a*):: If this happens, we could be looking at BTC 10x’ing by the end of Trump’s second term, think north of $600k each
(*54b3f3ac*):: That seems a bit dreamy. But hey anything can happen! And he could say anything he wants. But getting that thru the congress n sheet would be difficult
(*097dfbf6*):: Y2K was 24 years late

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