atx crypto club



Anon Ymous

Fri Jul 19 17:16:33 2024
(*b4c3b42a*):: If this happens, we could be looking at BTC 10x’ing by the end of Trump’s second term, think north of $600k each
(*54b3f3ac*):: That seems a bit dreamy. But hey anything can happen! And he could say anything he wants. But getting that thru the congress n sheet would be difficult
(*b4c3b42a*):: Hey, there are people predicting $400k by Spring 2025. $600k by January 2029 doesn’t seem that crazy by comparison. In fact, it’s arguably conservative.
(*b4c3b42a*):: +public!
*** The REAL Reason Behind J.D. Vance’s VP Pick – Whitney Webb & Mark Goodwin TFTC Ep. 524

*** YouTube

(*4cfb807c*):: Dude Marty Bent looks NOTHING like how i would have thought, i only ever listen to the audio lol

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