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Anon Ymous

Wed Jul 29 16:29:55 2020
<9e126bf3> If you guys only knew how fucked up many doctors are and how outright evil medical boards and hospital administrators are. Even medical schools are twisted, meant to break you down and put you in debt and dependent on the system or the boards take your license away and leave you with the debt. Most doctors follow orders like automatons, pumping people full of drugs after a 15 min consultation and shortening their lives with unnecessary surgery. This is absolutely common and terrible and it even gets worse if we formally nationalize the system instead of keeping it a state capitalist cartel.

The only way to navigate this system is to educate yourself and research things yourself, and ignore people that say you can’t do that because you aren’t a doctor. I’m telling yall, docs will lie to you or give you bad info because many dont even do their own research and study after school. You want a statistic? Even Johs Hopkins says- 250,000 people die every year in the US from medical mistakes. That doesnt include all the people permanently maimed. I mean, shit, docs are easily killing and maiming more people via malpractice than the rona, but nobody says All Doctors Are Bastards, now do they?

The biggest problem with all of this is that you have an army of people that are scared to step out of line even when they know something is wrong because they will lose EVERYTHING. There are many many doctors that agree about HCQ and I’m fortunate to get some insider info through my mom who is a physician and her friends and hear in depth conversations from actual physicians about the incredible frauds going on. But if anyone speaks out, they will be endlessly humiliated and the boards will force them to retract statements and undergo psychiatric evaluation where they might take your license away on grounds that only crazy people would defy the “standards of care” that they define with lawyers, big pharma and statisticians- NOT PRACTICING PHYSICIANS.

The evil is the lie that medicine is a science. It is informed by science but the practice of medicine is an art and many times you have to work with your intuition to treat people effectively, and that often means being willing to go outside the box.

Seriously, shit as simple as suggesting nutritional changes and taking vitamins can get your license taken away if another doctor reports you. They weaponize this stuff and use it to assassinate the character of anyone that steps out of line. It is absolutely psychotic.

Under no circumstances should professional doctors that have actively treated people with incredible success be silenced, even if you believe their religion is trash (which is a whole other conversation given the undeniable spiritual reality of medicine).

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