atx crypto club


Mon Feb 17 22:06:23 2020 <8f79fcda> Is that news or rumor?


Mon Feb 17 22:03:18 2020 <5547a085> The kind he gave to his mother were psilo caps either! Just a strain of mushroom


Mon Feb 17 21:51:06 2020 <9e126bf3> If you want low level, look at select/poll .. they let you block until new data is available on a stream, then you can read it into a buffer and analyze it perhaps with a regular expression to extract the info you’re interested in <9e126bf3> the actual code will […]


Mon Feb 17 21:54:12 2020 <d666283b> Tokyo olympics closes


Mon Feb 17 21:24:43 2020 <8f79fcda> <> <8f79fcda> only a matter of time


Mon Feb 17 20:57:52 2020 <8f79fcda> <> — WHO Holds Secret Talks With Tech Giants To Stop Spread Of Coronavirus “Misinformation” — …despite the fact that some things labeled “misinformation” turned out to be true…


Mon Feb 17 20:40:39 2020 <58f4c611> anyone know a good way to do this? Say i have like 1000 different streaming inputs and need to run a python script against them to look for key information, and if the key is matched begin storing it until a specific condition is met; else dont make any […]


Mon Feb 17 20:11:15 2020 <21c2e595> <!channel> anyone have and recommendations for a bad ass office chair for lots of sitting at the cpu time? <5547a085> I like the R1 racing chairs <5547a085> Ive been wanting to get one, Frys has then <8f79fcda> get the one with the angel wings attached


Mon Feb 17 18:53:06 2020 @ron you downloading my whole library ? lol


Mon Feb 17 18:26:39 2020 <0e4e4324> I think bsv flips bch by this Friday…mark it down <21c2e595> <@U036M05JL> been gettin juicy! <8f79fcda> <!here> i’m pretty sure that CW furnishes something to the australian courts on 2/20 but i could be mistaken <21c2e595> <@UDRNXFUHG> why you say that? <8f79fcda> and it could be a nothing burder […]


Mon Feb 17 18:19:43 2020 <0e4e4324> <|> — What is the actual deal with Bitcoin (BTC) ? — I’m really trying to figure out what is actually going on with Bitcoin and why there are so many people who believe in a project that has done so…


Mon Feb 17 18:01:40 2020 <8f79fcda> imagine being so obsessed with genitalia and its uses that you make a political movement out of it


Mon Feb 17 18:00:00 2020 <8f79fcda> <>


Mon Feb 17 17:50:18 2020 <9e126bf3> :coke-sniff: :biohazard_sign:


Mon Feb 17 17:43:37 2020 <5547a085> ZH is still in the Twitter gulag for posting an article claiming the WuFlu ™ originated from a Chinese lab


Mon Feb 17 17:41:41 2020 <8f79fcda> <> <8f79fcda> <@U0F3N7HC0> our politicians are inept, ineffectual, retards who don’t know shit. nCov game is far above their clout.


Mon Feb 17 17:38:40 2020 <5547a085> Note to self, do not consume blow with chinese bills


Mon Feb 17 17:02:48 2020 <8f79fcda> <> — China is literally laundering its money to contain the coronavirus — As the novel coronavirus outbreak continues to batter China, the country’s central bank has implemented a new strategy to contain the virus — deep cleaning and destroying potentially infected cash.

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