atx crypto club


<09ed3757> in response to a guy saying “communism is a labor-rights movement”: <09ed3757> “`I’d agree that worker exploitation is an issue, however, the same banner that is flown in china to be “for the people” (maoist/marxist derivative communism) also has forced labor camps, slave labor, prison labor, human trafficking, and a myriad of other social […]


<502edbb8> &lt;;gt;


<502edbb8> &lt;;


<502edbb8> &lt;; &amp;lt;— fun, easy watching. Unique <502edbb8> (netflix)


<502edbb8> &lt;;


<09ed3757> OSINT project: magnetic transponders that attach to the hull of submarines. Bonus points: a shape charge that can be used at any time. Basically magnetic water drone. <09ed3757> These links are great <09ed3757> Double probs to &lt;@U03694HFD&gt; for creating a great archiving tool


<502edbb8> &lt;; <502edbb8> &lt;; <502edbb8> ^^^ &lt;@UM0TYPAQ5&gt; This is total bait. <502edbb8> I know I posted a bunch of links but those are of all high quality and you guys should probs check them all out


<502edbb8> &lt;;


<502edbb8> &lt;;


<502edbb8> &lt;; <502edbb8> &lt;;


<09ed3757> Test to see if gifs make it


<09ed3757> Welcome to the tip of the spear… now if we could only get some reinforcements and a commission lol


<9e126bf3> new Fed policy &lt;;


<9e126bf3> How are they only in a state of contemplation? We are knee deep in information war and they are contemplating a counter attack… that’s… something


<502edbb8> &lt;;

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