atx crypto club


<09ed3757> Consulted with the head of cedar Sinai hospital in LA about that exact thing <09ed3757> &lt;@UCSR5G9B3&gt; could make a shirt ton of money building ICS systems for hospitals <09ed3757> &lt;@UCSR5G9B3&gt; pm me on it and I&#8217;ll see if I can make something happen


<502edbb8> Here pretty soon someone is gonna hit a hospital and operations will freeze and people will die <502edbb8> Thats gonna be a watershed moment.


<09ed3757> Credit goes to my mom for that one if I&#8217;m real honest


<09ed3757> Maybe it&#8217;s those fucking robocall phone operators <09ed3757> Potentially good guy hacker


<09ed3757> HAPPY BIT DAY TO YOU HAPPY BIT DAY TO YOU HAPPY BIT DAY TO BITCOIN HAPPY BIIIIIT DAAAAAYYYY TOOOOO YOOUUUUUU <5547a085> :musical_score: Aaaaand many mooooore :musical_note:


<502edbb8> &lt;; ransomware incident amounts to a head shot for this business.


<502edbb8> &lt;; &amp;lt;—- video of the strike <502edbb8> They say he went to Iraq to plan an immenient attack on Americans. Supposidly the DOD and IC wanted this guy dead for the past 15 years, dreamed for it even. Something must have been a bit different this time I think


<502edbb8> Its bitcoins 11th birthday!


<502edbb8> I imagine in reality there isn’t enough of him left to fill a ziplock bag


<09ed3757> &lt;@US896JRRD&gt; ^ we really really don&#8217;t like the ccp


<09ed3757> That&#8217;s a huge insult in Islam <09ed3757> I mean, it&#8217;s an insult to men everywhere. Gravestone: &#8220;shot in the dick and died&#8221;


<502edbb8> Yo Ronnie, check out &lt;#CMC5XC1U0|commiewatch&gt; for more in depth China discussion


<502edbb8> Hahha good.


<09ed3757> Apparently we shot him in the dick <09ed3757> Ouch.


<40112834> &lt;|; dark continent going red? Any have suggestions on Mining heat maps? Most likely the Chinese are looking to build their space satellite arsenal.


<09ed3757> <09ed3757>

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