atx crypto club


<9e126bf3> Found my old Walkman lmao <75f07d61> Pix of the tape collection, please!


<09ed3757> bEcAUse aS sOoN As yOu mEaSuRE tHeM tHeY ChANgE <09ed3757> &lt;@UM0TYPAQ5&gt; I say it mockingly because I think it&#8217;s just more enabling of transgenderism <09ed3757> Just to be clear, I&#8217;m not mocking you or your question <09ed3757> But the super commies work at cern <9e126bf3> Gender superposition <09ed3757> As proof… this is the first […]


<d3f496ca> Boogaloo Clock is at 6 minutes to midnight &lt;@U036M05JL&gt;


<09ed3757> &lt;|; <09ed3757> Here&#8217;s a fukcking blackpill btw


<09ed3757> &lt;; <09ed3757> MUAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAAAAAA


<09ed3757> Don&#8217;t get me wrong, trump is on the warpath so I&#8217;m def voting for him in 2020 <09ed3757> But also, he should choose yang as his vice prez


<09ed3757> &lt;@UCSR5G9B3&gt; &lt;@U3TK24FU1&gt; I apparently need a yang pill <09ed3757> According to the guy I just met in the airport <09ed3757> Low doses plz <75f07d61> &lt;|;


<09ed3757> Hahaha <09ed3757> Papa muskrat is on the ball


<502edbb8> Don’t listen to me though, listen to Mr. Musk <502edbb8>


<502edbb8> I liked the john mulaney flick. Good easy watchin, spark one up and kick back. Turn your brain mostly off <502edbb8> Parasite, but you gotta download it


<09ed3757> You ever seen dexter? <09ed3757> &lt;@UM0TYPAQ5&gt; <403e98f2> Ya solid. <403e98f2> I’m like Dexter but no tools or boat <09ed3757> I liked &#8220;person of interest&#8221;


<403e98f2> Is it good? <403e98f2> Also y&#8217;all got. Any movie recommendations? Or tv show


<09ed3757> Wonder what would happen if they were turned back into the IRG <09ed3757> Jussayin


<9e126bf3> :joy::joy::joy: saw that headline… special

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