<5547a085> Haha <9e126bf3>
<5547a085> Haha <9e126bf3>
<5547a085> I’m happy we all found each other! I :heart: you peeps!
<58f4c611> <@U07MMSG8M> <@UM0TYPAQ5> looks like the counter ended at 21e8. Are those hashes? <http://21e8.com|21e8.com>
<09ed3757> fwiw, slack now has dark theme
<09ed3757> Regardless, at best, the tech is opaque to them and if you look at the headlines, it is “funny money”
<09ed3757> They don’t care <09ed3757> Fact is they don’t understand that we (specifically this group) is probably one of the only groups in crypto land that aren’t delusional about the implications of crypto and aware of how crypto could/would/does affect our Quality of life in America
<21c2e595> war to keep the party going!
<5547a085> “We” —-&gt; Dulles brothers
<5547a085> Man this assassination really shines a light on the two faced anti-American dipshits in media, offering a eulogy the day-of … thoughtlessly emotionally deranged losers
<09ed3757> Technically Iran has always been in Holy War bugaloo throwdown since the shah of Iran took over in the 70’s… so… yes, but also no <40112834> Massenvernichtungs wurden nicht gefunden Iraq. Funny watching MassNewsCorp find fault with precision decapitation strike. ‘Murica. <09ed3757> Dickshot ftw <9e126bf3> :feelsgood: <5547a085> We fucked them hard going all the […]
<9e126bf3> Lol been there multiple times. If you don’t take big Ls every once in a while, are you even trading bro?
<21c2e595> i rekon they got dem der wepuns uf mas desctruktshun!
<5547a085> It wants to <21c2e595> did we just officially kick off the iran war last night?
<5547a085> Quoth the Raven: Quoth the Raven #166 – Sang Lucci &amp; QTR: Destroying Your Trading Account And Going Broke <https://quoththeraven.podbean.com/e/quoth-the-raven-166-sang-lucci-qtr-destroying-your-trading-account-and-going-broke/|https://quoththeraven.podbean.com/e/quoth-the-raven-166-sang-lucci-qtr-destroying-your-trading-account-and-going-broke/> <5547a085> Great listen for everyone trading
<5547a085> Hah that’s sweet <5547a085> My parents still think it’s a gimmick, whenever they turn is a real signal that I need to cash out lol
<09ed3757> <!here> faceripper inc?
<09ed3757> Consulted with the head of cedar Sinai hospital in LA about that exact thing <09ed3757> <@UCSR5G9B3> could make a shirt ton of money building ICS systems for hospitals <09ed3757> <@UCSR5G9B3> pm me on it and I’ll see if I can make something happen
<502edbb8> Here pretty soon someone is gonna hit a hospital and operations will freeze and people will die <502edbb8> Thats gonna be a watershed moment.
<09ed3757> Credit goes to my mom for that one if I’m real honest