atx crypto club


<09ed3757> &lt;|;


<502edbb8> I know you guys probably saw this. but you do realize that like litterally the only reason stable coins exist is to buy more bitcoin. And they are talking about ‘satisfying that demand’…


<21c2e595> thats sure is a beautiful distribution pattern on the NYSE firms tho. ohhh china! <502edbb8> check out ‘inside the mind of bill’ on netflix for more gates goodness


<502edbb8> &lt;;amp;cd=1&amp;amp;hl=en&amp;amp;ct=clnk&amp;amp;gl=us&gt; this is prob not news to you more learned economics guys, but it was news to me


<403e98f2> True. When HTC rallies I plan on removing all pol shit online. Word of mouth from then on <403e98f2> Leads to higher quality of discussion and people eager to learn. <403e98f2> Pol is a true DAO <403e98f2> I could die tomorrow and that thing would last till quarterbar closes. Maybe longer <403e98f2> I planted […]


<09ed3757> lol that chart &lt;@U03694HFD&gt; omg <9e126bf3> yeah wtf is that <9e126bf3> some incredible horseshit if I’ve ever seen it <09ed3757> A rolling loan gathers no loss <9e126bf3> until your currency dies :pepe:


<5547a085> <5547a085> HOW DARE YOU!!!!11111


<9e126bf3> MTV circa 1994 &lt;;


<502edbb8> The people I really want to show up I can just pick up the phone and call <502edbb8> The wider community has rarely brought in someone where I was just like wow. It&#8217;s happened, but it&#8217;s rare.


<5547a085> Break your backs and crack oars men … Harpoons thust to the sky … <403e98f2> I’m buying more bsv. I’m hoping it goes to $60


<403e98f2> Google is evil. Situation Sucks. But what a fucking dumb comment.


<09ed3757> <> <09ed3757> the combined order book is grim to 6000 <9e126bf3> :chart_with_downwards_trend: :boom: :skull_and_crossbones: <09ed3757> 100$ coins ftw

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