<9e126bf3> MTV circa 1994 <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oWeehnYPP18>
<9e126bf3> MTV circa 1994 <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oWeehnYPP18>
<502edbb8> The people I really want to show up I can just pick up the phone and call <502edbb8> The wider community has rarely brought in someone where I was just like wow. It’s happened, but it’s rare.
<9e126bf3> Amazing how Gates represents 3 spots on that list
<09ed3757> Doge at 29 still
<5547a085> Break your backs and crack oars men … Harpoons thust to the sky … <403e98f2> I’m buying more bsv. I’m hoping it goes to $60
<403e98f2> Google is evil. Situation Sucks. But what a fucking dumb comment.
<09ed3757> <http://data.bitcoinity.org/markets/books/USD> <09ed3757> the combined order book is grim to 6000 <9e126bf3> :chart_with_downwards_trend: :boom: :skull_and_crossbones: <09ed3757> 100$ coins ftw