Sun Jan 5 23:49:02 2020
<403e98f2> K got shit plenty of beefy jerky, tuna, soup, and 12lbs of peanut butter. 10 cases of water.
<403e98f2> Tomorrow I’m pumping up the bike and grabbing some gasoline. Keeping my tank full right now. How much gas should I keep? My Volvo gets good mileage so I’m thinkin….
<403e98f2> I’ll sleep on it. Keep it in the storage room in my place.
<403e98f2> Y’all into amateur radio shit? Any quick and dirty setups?
<403e98f2> Forgot rice. Need flashlight and batteries. Probably walk-in talkie.
<403e98f2> We should have a point to meet up if literally all shit goes to ape shit for a few weeks.