atx crypto club

Author: Anon Ymous


<502edbb8> &lt;; It’s hard to imagine a future where amazon doesn’t face antitrust scrutiny and enforcement from the gov’t


<502edbb8> Be a super host and encode your wifi AP/password into a quick scan QR code. &lt;;


<502edbb8> &lt;;


<d3f496ca> 37th st and guad has a neighborhood that takes Christmas lights very seriously. Took this pic there. It’s going on every night, 6-10pm, until new years days. Check it out yall, better than trail of lights


<502edbb8> &lt;;


<9e126bf3> From Nov &lt;|;


<9e126bf3> By the measure of dishonest US progressives and communists, China is also “right wing” because they utilize market dynamics and state capitalism


<09ed3757> &lt;;amp;page=7|;amp;page=7&gt;


<09ed3757> I&#8217;ve contemplated that same position, however the arch-conservatives are so balls deep in diversity and inclusion that their minds are destroyed <09ed3757> Positive fruits for those of us who can use their tools <09ed3757> But they inspire no confidence in their philosophical ability to actually wield the power they have


<9e126bf3> Commies always blame everyone else for their failures


<09ed3757> They&#8217;re everywhere &lt;@U4FQ46RGU&gt;


<502edbb8> &lt;;


<5547a085> &lt;|; <5547a085> &lt;|;


<502edbb8> &lt;;


<502edbb8> &lt;; <502edbb8> c3 is goin on


<09ed3757> Even the pope is in on the NWO <09ed3757>

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