<502edbb8> <https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/egdtej/poster_for_the_restored_rerelease_of_1985s_come/>
<502edbb8> <https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/egdtej/poster_for_the_restored_rerelease_of_1985s_come/>
<502edbb8> Holy Fuck. <502edbb8> Poster for the Restored Re-Release of 1985’s ‘Come And See’ <502edbb8> So when I was in college I was dead broke. I mean, dead broke. Couldn’t afford food broke. The one thing I could afford to do though was to pirate movies. I must have watched 800 movies. <502edbb8> There was […]
<09ed3757> They want trump to be a wartime president
<09ed3757> Thank God for Oceans and Thank God for making John Paul Jones for making the US Navy
<09ed3757> bugaloo clock… democrats jam through gun confiscation… democrats impeach trump and pence to say “it’s an illegitimate government” call in the united nations to solve virginia problem, call trump a rogue dictator when he mobilizes the armed forces against the united nations
<09ed3757> Yea no shit <09ed3757> <https://www.reddit.com/r/The_Donald/comments/egfurq/impeach_pence_lulz_all_day_shifty_going_for_a/|https://www.reddit.com/r/The_Donald/comments/egfurq/impeach_pence_lulz_all_day_shifty_going_for_a/>
<5547a085> There is a pink billboard on congress that says: “jesus.” <5547a085> It went up between today and Tuesday
<09ed3757> Lol i just had a guy tell me “Jesus Supported Slavery” on reddit
<9e126bf3> Found my old Walkman lmao <75f07d61> Pix of the tape collection, please!
<5547a085> Sounds like an all girl synch pop band
<09ed3757> bEcAUse aS sOoN As yOu mEaSuRE tHeM tHeY ChANgE <09ed3757> <@UM0TYPAQ5> I say it mockingly because I think it’s just more enabling of transgenderism <09ed3757> Just to be clear, I’m not mocking you or your question <09ed3757> But the super commies work at cern <9e126bf3> Gender superposition <09ed3757> As proof… this is the first […]
<9e126bf3> Lol
<403e98f2> Why isnt more research going into quantum dots?
<d3f496ca> Boogaloo Clock is at 6 minutes to midnight <@U036M05JL>
<09ed3757> <https://www.lawenforcementtoday.com/virginia-officials-were-enforcing-new-gun-laws-like-it-or-not-police-umm-who-exactly-is-we/|https://www.lawenforcementtoday.com/virginia-officials-were-enforcing-new-gun-laws-like-it-or-not-police-umm-who-exactly-is-we/> <09ed3757> Here’s a fukcking blackpill btw
<09ed3757> <https://themerkle.com/russias-supreme-court-unwillingly-classifies-bitcoin-as-money-or-property/> <09ed3757> MUAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAAAAAA
<09ed3757> Don’t get me wrong, trump is on the warpath so I’m def voting for him in 2020 <09ed3757> But also, he should choose yang as his vice prez
<09ed3757> <@UCSR5G9B3> <@U3TK24FU1> I apparently need a yang pill <09ed3757> According to the guy I just met in the airport <09ed3757> Low doses plz <75f07d61> <https://media.tenor.com/images/1bd5afa1e5e520f57aef0ffbace567e7/tenor.gif|https://media.tenor.com/images/1bd5afa1e5e520f57aef0ffbace567e7/tenor.gif>
<09ed3757> Hahaha <09ed3757> Papa muskrat is on the ball