Tue Jan 7 01:40:42 2020 <8f79fcda> I think a boom back to ATH is about to happen <8f79fcda> Last time we had that donald trump got elected lol
Tue Jan 7 01:40:42 2020 <8f79fcda> I think a boom back to ATH is about to happen <8f79fcda> Last time we had that donald trump got elected lol
Tue Jan 7 01:18:08 2020 <9e126bf3> there’s that 8k :sunglasses: <8f79fcda> whaa
Mon Jan 6 18:56:02 2020 <502edbb8>
Mon Jan 6 16:27:16 2020 <9e126bf3> <https://gryscl.co/femaleBTC2019>
Mon Jan 6 03:00:11 2020 <9e126bf3> $BTC bids piling on, gonna bust through 7600 shortly
Sun Jan 5 23:35:17 2020 <403e98f2> ETC big in China <403e98f2> But what about stock buybacks!!! <21c2e595> <@UM0TYPAQ5> it was not. Just a few people had asks at 24k. That dont mean anything. They have never been filled. You can put an ask on an exchange for that amount too but it means nothing. Fake […]
Sun Jan 5 17:11:53 2020 <5547a085> Yeah its just another form of the delusional “that old way of thinking doesn’t apply to us because of xyz special snowflake technocratic reasons”
Sun Jan 5 16:54:43 2020 <9e126bf3> tech companies should start using crypto for collateral and boost their balance sheet while they can… I don’t buy that traditional accounting doesn’t apply. If these companies don’t have real assets, they are screwed when the economy tanks. And when your whole economy is depending on these people, then […]
Sun Jan 5 16:43:20 2020 <8f79fcda> TLDR (satire) Because you can change code to reflect any number you want and tech company entrepreneurs just make pitch decks to say what gets an investor to invest and reverse engineer the financial outcome <8f79fcda> Think about how Twitter became a company… “invest in us because we’ll make […]
Sun Jan 5 16:35:05 2020 <502edbb8> <https://hbr.org/2018/02/why-financial-statements-dont-work-for-digital-companies> — Why Financial Statements Don’t Work for Digital Companies — Traditional accounting can’t explain how companies like Uber and Twitter are valued.
Sun Jan 5 16:01:20 2020 <9e126bf3> $ETC up around 25% over last few days. Are alts finally catching bids again?
Sun Jan 5 01:44:26 2020 <9e126bf3> runner incoming
Sat Jan 4 19:10:17 2020 <5547a085> Where is a good geo map? Too bad bitcoinity doesn’t track the lira <5547a085> They can use any DEX to swap USDT/btc <5547a085> Nothing is preventing the capital flow except instructions translated into their language and some hosted VPNs/tor nodes masking traffic as candy crush
Sat Jan 4 18:37:32 2020 <21c2e595> Ya not sure if that iran 24k means anything tho. It’s only 2 people on localbitcoins in that area so.. <09ed3757> In the volume sense no <21c2e595> With his last sale all the way back in feb 2019. <09ed3757> They’ve been cracking down pretty hard on cyber in Iran […]
Sat Jan 4 17:30:34 2020 <09ed3757> last time it was the venezuelans and… before that maybe the argintinians <9e126bf3> eventually it will be everyone all at once
Sat Jan 4 17:21:05 2020 <9e126bf3> yeah just saw that. Bullish!
Sat Jan 4 17:13:17 2020 <09ed3757> <https://tokenhell.com/btc-is-trading-at-24000-on-localbitcoins-in-iran-as-us-iran-tensions-rise/|https://tokenhell.com/btc-is-trading-at-24000-on-localbitcoins-in-iran-as-us-iran-tensions-rise/> — BTC is trading at $24000 on LocalBitcoins in Iran as US-Iran tensions rise <09ed3757> <@U03694HFD> ^ <@U8F8V823B> there’s the uplift
Sat Jan 4 00:26:08 2020 <09ed3757> I live on the frontlines not in tx
Sat Jan 4 00:17:45 2020 <5547a085> Yup
Sat Jan 4 00:01:29 2020 <09ed3757> from the chans? <40112834> @NewsBreaking <09ed3757> glad you’re here to join our little alcove of the internet <40112834> We should get coffee one day, but gotta CCW, ATX 2020 be makin’ headlines like Broward County 20teens