atx crypto club


Fri Feb 21 20:09:01 2020 <8f79fcda> <@U3TK24FU1> on this ^ there are hospitals that receive direct tax write-offs for treating uninsured, low income patients. That mechanism already exists. All of that is after the fact, and after treatment occurs. The very real issue… is that all the people that are proposing “Universal Healthcare” are also […]


Fri Feb 21 19:55:15 2020 <9e126bf3> Like, every word out of that windbags mouth is an incredible lie. <9e126bf3> He’s the archetype of every smug academic douche


Fri Feb 21 19:47:53 2020 <9e126bf3> Paul Krugman is on NPR while I drive to get lunch… really hard not to punch the fucking radio


Fri Feb 21 19:47:01 2020 <8f79fcda> prices are distorted due to relationships between insurers and providers. We aren’t saying it’s not fubar, we’re just saying that the government is the last organization on the planet should get involved in the industry.


Fri Feb 21 19:35:28 2020 <5547a085> <|> — Discord Is Not An Acceptable Choice For Free Software Projects — The personal website of Jeffrey Paul.


Fri Feb 21 19:35:26 2020 <8f79fcda> 4th amendment. Technically the digital signature of your unique PHI is yours.


Fri Feb 21 19:28:42 2020 <5547a085> Thats a good idea, but the mappings have to exist somewhere


Fri Feb 21 18:45:36 2020 <9e126bf3> still hanging on, bulls keep fighting


Fri Feb 21 18:25:39 2020 <75f07d61> Prices. I don’t know if quality can be improved. As far as I can tell me got the best treatment and lead in research.


Fri Feb 21 18:19:20 2020 <75f07d61> I’m not sure I’m following you, couldn’t the data lack personal identifiers and still run the same analysis?


Fri Feb 21 18:16:53 2020 <5547a085> Thats beautiful


Fri Feb 21 18:02:18 2020 <5547a085> Yes, things will just suck even worse <75f07d61> Why would a doctor not treat someone the same as another person? <5547a085> Yes, things will just suck even worse and there will be 100 more asinine excuses on what manufactured problems are depending on the shifting political optics — not […]


Fri Feb 21 17:42:12 2020 <9e126bf3> Sanders’ plan is bad because it’s more than just paying X amount of taxes for everyone having full coverage. He is talking about complete nationalization of healthcare. Doctors will essentially be gov workers with less rights than normal citizens like when people join the military. All healthcare documentation will […]


Fri Feb 21 17:27:38 2020 <8f79fcda> <@U3TK24FU1> that’s all to say, Bernie thinks that paying taxes to the government is somehow going to magically solve climate change. It’s the same thought process. <8f79fcda> Like, Trumps Transparency law makes me want to get in on the saline bag hustle. <75f07d61> How much do y’all make? The […]


Fri Feb 21 17:13:46 2020 <9e126bf3> the insurance and healthcare admin cartel racket inflates the price of healthcare astronomically. Most of that is because the prices of everything are hidden from patients who are a captive audience <8f79fcda> and, :tinfoil:, inures to the benefit of medical device manufacturers (china) by creating opaque pricing on cheap […]


Fri Feb 21 16:47:57 2020 <8f79fcda> <@U3TK24FU1> <> — Executive Order on Improving Price and Quality Transparency in American Healthcare to Put Patients First | The White House — By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, it is hereby ordered as follows: Section […]


Fri Feb 21 16:01:23 2020 <75f07d61> Do you think health Care is adorable in the US? I’m looking at this stuff and it seems really good. I ain’t no millionaire but this breakdown prioritizes us working stiffs <75f07d61> For example I’ve elected to find my own health care in order to obtain a bigger payout. […]


Fri Feb 21 15:51:38 2020 <75f07d61> This dood is pulling numbers from RAND – solid think tank IMO <8f79fcda> <@U3TK24FU1> he lost me in the second paragraph: “health care is a Right” <8f79fcda> I can’t even begin to tell you how fucked up that thinking is. <8f79fcda> He has no idea what rights are, doesn’t […]


Fri Feb 21 15:48:21 2020 <8f79fcda> <|>

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