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Mon Jan 6 16:31:20 2020 <403e98f2> Streisand effect. I saw they had it on YouTube. Didn’t care. Now it’s the the thing I’m doing after I press send <403e98f2> Naw it’s on there. Watching


Mon Jan 6 16:27:16 2020 <9e126bf3> <>


Mon Jan 6 15:43:27 2020 <9e126bf3> yup sure didd! <8f79fcda> NBC cucked and pulled his clip from YouTube on their own channel <8f79fcda> I’d like to see a compilation <9e126bf3> there’s some good ones on twitter <5547a085> Good lad Gervais


Mon Jan 6 15:47:26 2020 <9e126bf3> <> — Why was Qasem Soleimani in Iraq? — Earlier this week, Qasem Soleimani was killed by the US. The news media is brimming to capacity with news stories about this. However, not one – that I’ve seen at least – mentions why Qasem Soleima…


Mon Jan 6 15:38:22 2020 <8f79fcda> Apparently Ricky Gervais killed it at the golden globes


Mon Jan 6 13:54:21 2020 <9e126bf3> Meta virtue signaling


Mon Jan 6 08:17:44 2020 <403e98f2> True. But I think small things will shock and awe us while for Iranians it’s called Tuesday. Syrians then say hodl my beer.


Mon Jan 6 07:05:24 2020 <5547a085> You never have to apologize for stream of consciousness writing <5547a085> Ultimately what people haven’t been preparing for will bite them in the ass and no amount of vaccines or phds or policy will ever prevent reality from happening


Mon Jan 6 05:35:15 2020 <d3f496ca> <@U4FQ46RGU> cool post


Mon Jan 6 04:15:03 2020 <403e98f2> Selective Service (@SSS_gov) Tweeted: @Boogaloo_Now Registration is a requirement for all men 18-25. <|> This thread. Man. Y’all hear about the Boogaloo thing?


Mon Jan 6 03:57:22 2020 <403e98f2> Can they even pay? <9e126bf3> doubt it


Mon Jan 6 03:33:09 2020 <403e98f2> True. Very true. Definitely buying a motorcycle <403e98f2> Jk <403e98f2> But maybe one day <403e98f2> I spent several years only doing backups to hard drives. Only recently doing icloud and diff cloud shit. And iTunes usually I back up directly. But I’m gonna start removing a ton of shit […]


Mon Jan 6 03:31:09 2020 — People Worried They’d Be Drafted Into a War With Iran Apparently Crashed the U.S. Selective Service Website — People on social media also posted about reexamining FAFSA forms <403e98f2> Hilarious “Draft starts tomorrow tweet” got everyone worried lol. Like people need to know when they are getting trolled


Mon Jan 6 03:20:08 2020 <403e98f2> So I’m thinking a few things: Iran, Syria and co co. / theircitizens especially really use to war and drones. Like a million people died in the 80s in the Iraq-Iran war. They have drones in their life and isis chillin in their backyard. They are more adjusted to […]




Mon Jan 6 03:00:11 2020 <9e126bf3> $BTC bids piling on, gonna bust through 7600 shortly


Mon Jan 6 02:51:51 2020 <9e126bf3> testing large file upload <9e126bf3> test post upload message


Mon Jan 6 01:41:45 2020 <9e126bf3> <> — Fascinating photos reveal life in Iran before the revolution — The stunning photos of life across vibrant Iran in the 60s and 70s portray a seemingly cosmopolitan kingdom on the brink of change.


Mon Jan 6 01:31:32 2020 <5547a085> Fuel is tricky, even if you have a truck for example, 20 – 60 gallons is heavy, and it only gets you another 400 miles + 400 miles in an existing topped off tank … Where are you going within 800 miles? Will there be fuel there too? I […]

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