atx crypto club


Sat Feb 22 00:35:44 2020 <8f79fcda> <|>


Sat Feb 22 00:19:36 2020 <8f79fcda> ho lee-fuk <@U3TK24FU1> You have GOT to see this: <8f79fcda> <> <8f79fcda>


Fri Feb 21 23:11:39 2020 <9e126bf3> <> — Study uncovers new electronic state of matter — A research team led by professors from the University of Pittsburgh Department of Physics and Astronomy has announced the discovery of a new electronic state of matter.


Fri Feb 21 23:04:14 2020 <5547a085> No doubt <@U3TK24FU1> :heart:


Fri Feb 21 22:41:58 2020 <75f07d61> Also thanks for sharing these links! <75f07d61> Just wanted to say thanks for sharing your thoughts on these topics and having a constructive conversation on the topics. :kissing_heart: <8f79fcda> :100: <8f79fcda> Yeah, absolutely! Always enjoyable


Fri Feb 21 22:32:46 2020 <75f07d61> Cool!


Fri Feb 21 21:18:37 2020 <8f79fcda> <> And bernie knows he can’t go toe-to-toe with trump on immigration. even bernard can’t justify open borders — Bernie Sanders’s immigration plan puts the rights of workers into focus — He’s making the argument that his ideas on labor and immigration are compatible.


Fri Feb 21 21:15:34 2020 <5547a085> <5547a085> This is pretty sad lol


Fri Feb 21 21:01:17 2020 <8f79fcda> <> <8f79fcda> <> — Trump to sign executive order combating human trafficking — President Trump will sign an executive order on Friday meant to combat human trafficking and online child exploitation, including by adding a new position at the White House to focus on the issue. <8f79fcda> <> — […]


Fri Feb 21 20:39:08 2020 <75f07d61> I’m not too familiar with Sander’s immigration policy. However I would assume it would model something similar to Canada where it’s a point system and how easy it would be for them to transition into here. At the same time you will have medical professionals leaving their home country […]


Fri Feb 21 20:09:01 2020 <8f79fcda> <@U3TK24FU1> on this ^ there are hospitals that receive direct tax write-offs for treating uninsured, low income patients. That mechanism already exists. All of that is after the fact, and after treatment occurs. The very real issue… is that all the people that are proposing “Universal Healthcare” are also […]


Fri Feb 21 19:55:15 2020 <9e126bf3> Like, every word out of that windbags mouth is an incredible lie. <9e126bf3> He’s the archetype of every smug academic douche


Fri Feb 21 19:47:53 2020 <9e126bf3> Paul Krugman is on NPR while I drive to get lunch… really hard not to punch the fucking radio


Fri Feb 21 19:47:01 2020 <8f79fcda> prices are distorted due to relationships between insurers and providers. We aren’t saying it’s not fubar, we’re just saying that the government is the last organization on the planet should get involved in the industry.


Fri Feb 21 19:35:28 2020 <5547a085> <|> — Discord Is Not An Acceptable Choice For Free Software Projects — The personal website of Jeffrey Paul.


Fri Feb 21 19:35:26 2020 <8f79fcda> 4th amendment. Technically the digital signature of your unique PHI is yours.


Fri Feb 21 19:28:42 2020 <5547a085> Thats a good idea, but the mappings have to exist somewhere


Fri Feb 21 18:45:36 2020 <9e126bf3> still hanging on, bulls keep fighting


Fri Feb 21 18:25:39 2020 <75f07d61> Prices. I don’t know if quality can be improved. As far as I can tell me got the best treatment and lead in research.

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